
Next Live Cohort begins on September 30th

woman blowing gum

Become a Certified Human Design Reader and Start Earning 💰 in Just 8 Weeks

No more holding back – your journey to unapologetic greatness starts now!


You’re a passionate spiritual entrepreneur OR a womxn on a self-discovery journey, ready to deepen your expertise and make a real impact in the world of Human Design.

You’ve already begun attracting clients and generating income OR you’re ready to start your spiritual business…

…and now you’re eager to expand your influence by mastering Human Design readings—and fully understanding your own chart.

In the Unapologetic Human Design Reader Certification, you’ll uncover the exact strategies to enhance your skills, refine your understanding of your own chart, and start earning back your investment in as little as 8 weeks.

In This Certification, You’ll Uncover:

  • How to decode and apply key insights from your own Human Design chart to enhance both your personal growth and professional expertise
  • How to conduct impactful Human Design readings that resonate with clients and set you apart as an expert
  • How to confidently embody your unique Human Design, allowing you to show up with authority and authenticity in your readings and messaging
  • The most common mistakes that new Human Design readers make that can hold them back—and how to avoid these pitfalls…and sis it’s NOT what you think

Unapologetic Authenticity™

Human Design

Reader Certification

For 6 months, you’ll dive deep into Human Design chart analysis and serving up some serious realness in relationship Human Design analysis. Your journey, your pace – let's make those charts pop at your own rhythm!

This program has 3 transformative goals:

  • Fall in Love with Yourself:
    Study your natal Human Design chart with such depth and clarity that you’ll understand nothing is “wrong” with you. Instead, you’ll embrace the truth of who you are, unlocking self-compassion and confidence like never before. Through this process, you’ll learn to celebrate your unique qualities and release the limiting beliefs that have held you back.
  • Serve at the Highest Level:
    Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to serve your clients at the highest level. Whether you’re new to Human Design or looking to deepen your expertise, this program provides you with the tools and insights to guide others on their journey. You’ll learn how to offer powerful, personalized readings that empower your clients to live authentically and with ease.
  • Make a Coin:
    Turn your passion into profit. Our program doesn’t just teach you the theory; it equips you with practical strategies to build or enhance your business. You’ll learn how to market your services, attract your ideal clients, and create offerings that are both impactful and lucrative. We’re here to support you every step of the way as you build a thriving practice that reflects your unique gifts and talents.

Here’s How We’ll Help You Transform...

  • Twice Monthly Live Group Practice Readings and Q&A’s with Dr. Naieema (valued at $3000) You'll gain access to practice readings and insightful Q&A sessions to hone your skills and deepen your understanding of human design. Elevate your expertise and confidently embark on your journey as a proficient human design reader.
  • Pre-Recorded Practice Readings(valued at $1500) Having access to pre-recorded readings allows you to learn at your own pace and reinforces learning through exposure to different reading techniques and chart intepretation.

  • Self-Paced Unapologetic Authenticity™ Certification Modules (valued at $1250)
    Unlock weekly modules, self-paced modules that help you navigate the intricacies of human design. Videos are straight to the point without fluff to help you quickly grasp important concepts.
  • Comprehensive Study of Your Own Chart (valued at $1000)
    Using what you learn in this program, you will engage in a comprehensive exploration of your own unique design, delving into every aspect along the journey. Through a personalized approach, you’ll gain a profound understanding of yourself each stage of the program.

  • Supportive Online Community(valued at $1200)
    Join our vibrant online community to share experiences, insights, and support. Connect with fellow journeyers, ask questions, and receive encouragement as you traverse the cosmic landscape of Human Design


Join By September 10

  • Alignment in Business By Design Course: Understand how to know when you’re in alignment and maximize it.
  • Monetize Social By Design Course: Uncover how to create content your business using your unique design.
  • Planetary Gates Masterclass: Understand each of the planets and how they impact the gates in human design charts.
  • Using ChatGPT for Human Design Readings and Business Development Masterclass: Taught by Sharitta Marshall, you'll uncover how to configure your own GPT's in ChatGPT to make readings, content creation and overall business easier.
  • Wealthy Chick by Design Ebook: Get ready to dig deep into your clearing your money mindset using human design.
  • Manifest by Design Masterclass: Uncover the secrets to using your unique design to manifest your deepest desires.
  • Messaging by Design LIVE Session: Discover how to use your unique strengths in your humans design to market to create your messaging.

For All

  • Alignment in Business By Design Course: Understand how to know when you’re in alignment and maximize it
  • Monetize Social By Design Course: Uncover how to create content your business using your unique design
  • Planetary Gates Masterclass: Understand each of the planets and how they impact the gates in human design charts
  • Using ChatGPT for Human Design Readings and Business Development Masterclass: Taught by Sharitta Marshall, you'll uncover how to configure your own GPT's in ChatGPT to make readings, content creation and overall business easier.

That's a value of $7,747 but you pay


One Payment of $2,297


 as low as $100/Month

Certification Breakdown

Your Road to Certification:

Embark on a personalized journey through advanced Human Design concepts, unraveling the intricacies of your unique chart at your own rhythm

Level’s 1 & 2

  • Human Design Fundamentals: Explore the intricacies of Human Design, understand Energy Type Identification, and learn the essential skill of pulling Human Design charts.
  • 5 Energy Types, Strategy, Aura, Signature, Not-Self Theme: Delve into the core elements, including the 5 Energy Types, Strategy, Aura, Signature, and Not-Self Theme, gaining a profound understanding of their impact on personal design.
  • 7 Authority Types and the 5 Definitions: Discover the nuances of the 7 Authority Types and the 5 Definitions, empowering yourself to interpret and guide individuals based on their unique design.
  • Lines & Profiles: Grasp the significance of Lines & Profiles, acquiring the expertise to connect your clients life purpose to their profiles.
  • 9 Undefined, Defined, and Open Centers: Uncover the intricacies of 9 Undefined, Defined, and Open Centers, gaining insights into how they shape individual experiences and interactions.
  • 64 Gates: Navigate the 64 Gates, unraveling the unique energies associated with each gate and their profound implications on Human Design
  • 36 Channels: Explore the 36 Channels, understanding their interplay and the dynamic flow of energies that shape the intricacies of Human Design.

Level 3

  • Relationship Analysis: Navigate the cosmic dance of relationships as you dissect Human Design dynamics, gaining insights into the profound connections between charts.
  • Primary Genetic Trauma: Confront and heal your Primary Genetic Trauma, understanding its impact on your life journey through the lens of Human Design.
  • Digestion & Design Sense: Uncover the keys to optimal well-being by aligning your lifestyle choices with the unique requirements of your Digestion and Design Sense.
  • Variables and the 4 Arrows: Decode the nuances of Variables and the 4 Arrows, gaining a deeper understanding of the layers influencing your Human Design chart.
  • Environment & Environmental Tones: Explore the interactive dance between your inner world and external surroundings, discovering how Environmental Tones shape your Human Design experience.
  • Perspectives, Distractions, Trajectory & Perspective Tones: Navigate the realms of perspectives, distractions, and trajectory, unraveling the tapestry of your life through the lens of Perspective Tones.
  • Motivation, Transference, Trajectory & Motivational Tones: Gain profound insights into your inner drive and motivations, understanding how Transference and Motivational Tones shape your unique trajectory in life.
  • Advanced Circuitry: Delve into the sophisticated networks of your Human Design chart, decoding the intricate circuitry that shapes your authentic self-expression.
  • Incarnation Cross: Explore the profound significance of your Incarnation Cross, unraveling the cosmic story woven into the fabric of your being

I'm a 5/2 splenic projector, Cancer rising, Scorpio moon, Sagittarius sun, LAX of Education 2, PhD- prepared educator, queer AF, a mom, speaker and an Intuitive Embodiment Strategist for womxn.

Welcome to a transformative journey where empowerment meets self-discovery. In my work, I focus on guiding highly educated womxn who have excelled in meeting societal expectations, yet find themselves lost in roles defined by others. Whether it's excelling in academics or adhering to job descriptions, they've reached a point of questioning their own identity.

My mission is to help these accomplished womxn answer the fundamental question, 'Who am I?', independently of societal norms, racial identity, spiritual practices, degrees, and relationships. Using the profound insights provided by human design & astrology, I specialize in offering a unique and empowering experience that goes beyond conventional markers of success.

Human design and astrology serve as a powerful tools in this process, assisting these womxn in reconnecting with their innate qualities, desires, and unique strengths. By unraveling layers influenced by societal norms, racial expectations, and external validations, they can rediscover their individuality and purpose.

I provide a supportive space for self-reflection and exploration, guiding them to redefine success on their terms. My approach aims to empower these remarkable womxn to navigate life authentically, allowing their true selves to flourish beyond the confines of societal expectations. Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, enabling them to reclaim their identity and live a fulfilling life aligned with their genuine essence. Join me in unlocking the transformative potential within and embracing authenticity.

Is This Certification for You?

For you if:

  • Aspiring Human Design Practitioners: Individuals who are passionate about Human Design and want to build a career in providing readings and guidance to others.
  • Coaches and Therapists: Professionals in coaching, therapy, or counseling who wish to integrate Human Design into their practice to offer more personalized guidance and insights to their clients.
  • Healers and Holistic Practitioners: Those in holistic health, energy healing, or alternative therapies who want to add Human Design as a tool to better understand and support their clients' unique energy and life paths.
  • Astrologers and Other Divination Experts: Practitioners of astrology or other divination systems who want to broaden their skill set and offer a more comprehensive reading experience by including Human Design in their services..
  • Self-Guided Learners: This program caters to those who value learning at their own pace. Whether you're a self-guided learner who prefers to absorb information at your rhythm or someone with a busy schedule, this course allows you to unlock the secrets of Human Design charts on your own terms, making the journey both flexible and personalized.

NOT for you if:

  • Casual or Novice Learners: This program is not be suitable for individuals who are looking for a basic or introductory overview of Human Design. The emphasis on advanced chart analysis and relationship dynamics might be overwhelming for those who are just starting their exploration of Human Design concepts.
  • Individuals Seeking Quick Results: If you're looking for a program that promises rapid and immediate results without investing time in in-depth learning and analysis, this might not be the right fit. The self-paced nature of the adventure implies a commitment to thorough understanding and application over time.
  • Those Uninterested in Self-Reflection: This program involves a deep dive into personal charts and relationship dynamics. If you are not open to introspection and self-reflection, or if you prefer more surface-level content, the program's focus on serving up "serious realness" in Human Design analysis may not align with your preferences.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this program suitable for beginners in Human Design, or is it geared towards more experienced practitioners?
    A: This program is specifically designed for everyone regardless of your level of human design knowledge.
  • Will I be able to start a business after this certification?
    A: Yes, you will be able to start a business or add human design to your current business.

  • Can I participate in the relationship Human Design analysis if I'm currently not in a relationship?
    A: Absolutely! Relationship Human Design analysis provides valuable insights not only for romantic relationships but also for understanding various interpersonal dynamics in your life. You would conduct a relationship analysis on a couple outside of you.
  • How much time does it take to complete the program?
    A: The duration of the program is entirely up to you! While some participants may complete it within weeks, you have the flexibility to take up to 6 months to absorb the material fully, with ongoing support from our vibrant community. If you find you need more time, you can extend your access for an additional 6 months with a reinstatement fee. Your learning journey is as unique as your Human Design – proceed at your own pace!

  • How much time should I dedicate to the program each week?
    A: The beauty of this program lies in its flexibility. You can allocate as much time as suits your schedule. While there are deep dives into advanced analysis, the self-paced nature allows you to progress at your own rhythm. On average, participants dedicate a few hours per week to get the most out of the content.

  • Is there a community or forum for participants to interact and share and to ask questions?
    A: Yes, there is a dedicated online community where participants can ask questions, share experiences, and discuss insights gained from the program. This forum fosters a supportive environment for individuals to learn from each other, get their questions answered and enhance their understanding of Human Design.

  • What is needed to get certification? 
    A: To receive certification, you must meet the following criteria:

1. Watch and complete all course work

2. Reflect on each portion of your chart

3. Complete 1 one-on-one basic reading

3. Complete 1 one-on-one advanced reading

4. Complete 1 relationship reading

5. Complete the certification within 6 months (can be extended an additional 6 months with a reinstatement fee)

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