Manifestors in Human Design

Dr. Naieema

So, you’re a Manifestor. You’re not waiting for an invitation, you’re not waiting to respond. You move. But how do you show up with more ease?

I’ve got you covered.

As a Manifestor, you have a unique strategy: inform before you act. This doesn't mean you're asking for permission; it simply means you're letting people know what you're about to do, especially if it affects them.

For example, let's say you get a sudden impulse to paint your bedroom green—a vibrant and bold choice! But if you're living with a partner, and you just go ahead and do it without telling them, you're likely to stir up some unnecessary tension and stress. All you need to do is inform them: "Hey, I really want to paint this room green."

You're not asking, you're informing. It's your way of saying, "This is happening," and giving them a heads-up.

Are you ready to answer the question "Who Am I?" using Human Design?

Click here for  human design self-discovery!

Why Informing Is Key

Some of you might be thinking, "But when I tell people, they argue with me or don't listen." Here's the thing: as a Manifestor, you're not here to convince anyone. You're here to initiate. You're the one who gets things moving, who brings ideas to life. Your job is to let others know what you're up to—not to get their approval.

It might feel uncomfortable at first, but remember, you're a natural leader with assertive qualities. Embrace it.

Ready To Dive Deeper

This is just the beginning. Understanding your Human Design is a powerful tool for living a life that's truly aligned with who you are. If you're ready to dive deeper and learn what it means to be successful as your true self, I'm here to help.

I've created programs designed to guide you through this journey of self-discovery. If this resonates with you, you know where to find the link.

Inform. Initiate. Lead. The world is waiting for you to step into your power.

Click to learn more!

Hi, I'm Dr. Naieema

I'm a 5/2 splenic projector, a mom, a speaker and an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert for women online service providers!

After climbing the corporate ladder, I realized that I was not willing to work 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life to prove myself to other unhappy people. Oh and while earning less as a woman of color. So, in December of 2019, I started my coaching business and took in to six figures in one year!

But I was doing the copy and past strategies and treating myself as an employee working 50+ hours a week. I was quickly approaching burnout. So, I learned human design, learned I am a projector and created a six figure business working 12 hours a week!

As a certified human design reader AND intuitive business strategist, I help women service providers, who’ve created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout, use their human design and basic astrology to build wildly profitable businesses.