Alignment In Business According To Your Human Design

Dr. Naieema

The Power Of Being In Alignment

Did you know that human design can help you know whether or not you’re in alignment with your business?

So, what does being in alignment in your business means? Simple!

  • You are hitting your sales goals - both revenue and cash;
  • You are meeting your operational goals (hiring, the number of hours you work, etc);.
  • And, you are not overworking yourself because you have the systems in place to help you work less (I only work 12 hours a week!).

BUT in reality, many people don’t realize that they’re not in alignment with their businesses because they don’t know their human design type. 

As I've shared in my previous
blog, there are five human design types - the projectors, manifesting generators, generators, reflectors, and manifestors. 

Depending on your type, human design can literally tell you what it feels when you’re in alignment or not. 

Do you want to know how you can tell if you’re in alignment based on your human design? Read on...

The Projectors

Now, let's talk about the projectors...

Hey, my fellow projectors - I personally know what I am talking about because
I am you.

When we are in alignment in our businesses when we feel successful. 

In human design, this is called your signature. The signature of the projector is a feeling of success - and we generally feel successful when other people recognize our expertise. 

However, we generally feel bitter (which is not our self-theme), which is how we know we’re not in alignment when we’re trying to force ourselves, our businesses, products, or services onto others.  

So, here are two things that you can do as a projector so you can feel more successful in your business:

  • Being visible everywhere WITHOUT exhausting yourself (because as a projector, you don’t have a lot of energy!)
  • You have to REST. You don’t have the energy to do it the way generators are doing it. 

Send me a DM on IG @drnaieema if this speaks to you as projector.

The Manifestors

Next we have the manifestors… 

The signature of the manifestors is peace. 

Your signature of feeling peaceful in your business means you are in alignment. 

On the other hand, if you find yourself overall very angry in your business, it means that you are out of alignment. 

So when I work with my clients who are manifestors, I tell them these things so they can feel more peaceful in their businesses:

  • Take the WEIGHT OFF. You are not meant to be an expert on a single topic (that is not how you’re built!).  Therefore, it’s important that you create an audience that can shift with the different ideas that you’re going to bring to life. 
  • Honor your need for REST. Remember, your energy is cyclic. Sometimes you have energy, sometimes you don’t. Making passive income streams important for you when you need those rest periods. 

Send me a DM on IG @drnaieema if this speaks to you as manifestors. 

Do you want to learn more about how you can use your human design and astrology to scale a freedom-based business, where you call in new leads and sales weekly WITHOUT the hustle?


The Reflectors

If you are a reflector, your signature is surprise. 

You know that you are in alignment in business when you feel surprised because you have to wait a full lunar cycle or 28 days before making major business decisions. 

As reflectors, you feel pressure to make decisions quickly. But when you actually wait you feel surprised by the outcomes. 

The way you know that you are not in alignment is you start to feel disappointed because you rushed into a decision that wasn’t right for you simply because society told you to do so. 

So for more surprise and alignment in your business, wait for the full lunar cycle to make major decisions - AND while you wait anticipate the best outcomes. 

Send me a DM on IG @drnaieema if this speaks to you as reflector.

The Generators

As a generator, your signature is a sense of satisfaction. You know you are in alignment when you’re overall enjoying running your business. 

You’re not self-theme - which shows that you’re not in alignment in business is overall frustration. You are frustrated with everything - lead generation, sales, etc. 

So the way that you can be more aligned with business is to make sure that you are responding to things in your niche that lights you up.
Engaging with things that are fun to you is what’s going to lead to more feeling of satisfaction and alignment of business. 

In my
Freedom By Design Mastermind, I always tell my clients to assess and ask themselves this question, ‘What is it that I want to respond to in business?’.

AND don’t think that you just have to wait around, you can actually create something to respond to. 

Go and listen to a podcast or Youtube video in your niche and respond to it. 

Create a post about it.

Get your high horse and watch how you feel satisfied in your business!

The Manifesting Generators

Lastly, we have the manifesting generators.

With the name itself, you can be mostly a manifestor or mostly a generator. This is why in my
Freedom By Design Mastermind, I make sure I let my clients know which is which. 

Now, if you’re mostly a manifestor, your signature is satisfaction and peace. You are in alignment in your business when you feel satisfied but also peaceful. On the other hand, the way that you know that you’re not in alignment is either you feel angry, frustrated, or both. 

Some of the ways that you can feel more satisfaction and peaceful in your business are:

  • Stop trying to NICHE. You are meant to do things that light you up and move on when it no longer lights you up.
  • You must inform your audience when you’re doing something new. You can’t just announce something out of the blue. 

Send me a DM on IG @drnaieema if this speaks to you as manifesting generator. 

Now try doing those things I mentioned above and watch your audience, yourself, and business grow!

Hi, I'm Dr. Naieema

I'm a 5/2 splenic projector, a mom, a speaker and an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert for women online service providers!

After climbing the corporate ladder, I realized that I was not willing to work 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life to prove myself to other unhappy people. Oh and while earning less as a woman of color. So, in December of 2019, I started my coaching business and took in to six figures in one year!

But I was doing the copy and past strategies and treating myself as an employee working 50+ hours a week. I was quickly approaching burnout. So, I learned human design, learned I am a projector and created a six figure business working 12 hours a week!

As a certified human design reader AND intuitive business strategist, I help women service providers, who’ve created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout, use their human design and basic astrology to build wildly profitable businesses.

Woman smiling in formal attire