Embracing Your Identity Through Your Rising Sun

Dr. Naieema


Let's talk about something big on your self-discovery journey—your rising sign. This is the sign that sits on the cusp of your first house in astrology, and it’s super important because it shapes how you present yourself to the world.

Are you ready to answer the question "Who Am I?" using Human Design?

Click here for  human design self-discovery!

Cancer: The Nurturer

If you’re a Cancer Rising, you are nurturing. You take care of everyone else, but let’s get real—are you able to receive? It’s time to focus on your own needs, Sis.

Scorpio Rising: The Deep Observer

Scorpio Rising, I see you, suspicious as hell. That’s part of who you are. But is that suspicion coming from a wounded place because you didn’t feel safe as a child? Or are you using your deep understanding of people to move toward your life purpose?

Sagittarius Rising: The Eternal Optimist

You, my dear Sagittarius Rising, are optimist! Even when others crumble, you stand tall. But are you hiding your wounds, ignoring them, and not truly healing? It’s time to face them to reach your fullest potential.

Capricorn Rising: The Ambitious Climber

Capricorn Rising, I see your hardworking ass. You’re all about those goals, step by step. But is your inability to be vulnerable keeping you from the life you truly want outside of material success?

Ready to Go Deep?

We’ll explore your Human Design and create a plan for you to move towards your life purpose. Trust me, you do not want to miss this.

You know what to do! Let's get started.

Hi, I'm Dr. Naieema

I'm a 5/2 splenic projector, a mom, a speaker and an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert for women online service providers!

After climbing the corporate ladder, I realized that I was not willing to work 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life to prove myself to other unhappy people. Oh and while earning less as a woman of color. So, in December of 2019, I started my coaching business and took in to six figures in one year!

But I was doing the copy and past strategies and treating myself as an employee working 50+ hours a week. I was quickly approaching burnout. So, I learned human design, learned I am a projector and created a six figure business working 12 hours a week!

As a certified human design reader AND intuitive business strategist, I help women service providers, who’ve created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout, use their human design and basic astrology to build wildly profitable businesses.