Understanding Meg Thee Stallion Through Human Design

Dr. Naieema

In light of everything that's going on, let's dive into Meg Thee Stallion's Human Design. 

Meg Thee Stallion: The 3/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator

As a Manifesting Generator, Meg loves to juggle multiple interests. This is why we see her engaging in mental health advocacy, rapping, and collaborating with other artists. Manifesting Generators thrive on variety and hate being confined to a single focus. It’s no surprise she teamed up with Beyoncé—two Manifesting Generators creating magic together.

Meg has a 3/5 profile, which means she learns through trial and error. People often gossip about her personal life, especially her relationships, but that's just part of her journey. The 3 in her profile suggests she'll experience many different relationships, careers, and friendships. She learns by bumping into things, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. This constant change is a natural part of her process.

As a triple split definition, Meg might enjoy the excitement of new relationships but get bored quickly. This isn't a flaw—it's just how she's wired.
So, sis, live your life unapologetically!

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The Challenging 5 & Emotional Authority

Having a 5 in her profile, Meg is often misunderstood. People project their ideas of who she should be onto her, leading to criticism and backlash. This explains why some folks question her experiences and take sides against her. People see her strength and charisma and expect her to fit their mold, and when she doesn’t, they get upset.

Meg has an emotional authority, meaning her decisions are driven by her emotional waves. With a defined mind and crown, she might overthink her emotions, trying to analyze and understand them from a mental perspective rather than just feeling them. This introspection likely influences her music, making her lyrics precise and intentional. A perfect example is the impactful line, "You're not mad at Megan, you're mad at Megan's law," which speaks volumes with simplicity.

Channels of Success

Lastly, Meg has channel 2.14 and channel 1.8 in her Human Design chart. These channels ensure that as long as she stays true to herself, she will find success. Being an Aquarius, staying true to herself should come naturally. Her authenticity is a key driver of her achievements and financial success.

Meg Thee Stallion's Human Design reveals a lot about her multifaceted personality and her journey.
She's a powerhouse who thrives on variety, learns through experiences, and often faces misunderstandings due to the projections of others. Her emotional depth and intellectual precision make her a compelling artist and advocate. 

So next time you see Meg shining brightly, remember there's a complex, beautifully designed individual behind that brilliance. What did I miss?

Do you want to know more about yourself? Take action now!

Hi, I'm Dr. Naieema

I'm a 5/2 splenic projector, a mom, a speaker and an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert for women online service providers!

After climbing the corporate ladder, I realized that I was not willing to work 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life to prove myself to other unhappy people. Oh and while earning less as a woman of color. So, in December of 2019, I started my coaching business and took in to six figures in one year!

But I was doing the copy and past strategies and treating myself as an employee working 50+ hours a week. I was quickly approaching burnout. So, I learned human design, learned I am a projector and created a six figure business working 12 hours a week!

As a certified human design reader AND intuitive business strategist, I help women service providers, who’ve created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout, use their human design and basic astrology to build wildly profitable businesses.