Understanding Your Life's Purpose: Integrating Human Design

and Astrology

(Part 1)

Dr. Naieema

Last week, we delved into how Human Design can help you understand your life's purpose. But did you know that combining Human Design with astrology can provide an even deeper understanding?

It’s true! In astrology, two crucial placements can offer insights into your life's purpose: the North Node and the South Node.

Are you ready to answer the question "Who Am I?" using Human Design?

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The Significance of North and South Nodes

In astrology, the South Node resembles an upside-down horseshoe, while the North Node looks like a horseshoe. These nodes represent different aspects of your life’s journey.

When examining these nodes, it’s important to consider the houses they’re in. For instance, my South Node is in the 5th house in the sign of Scorpio, and my North Node is in the 11th house in the sign of Taurus. This is my chart, and I'll share more about my personal journey to illustrate these concepts.

Focusing on the South Node

In this blog, we’re going to focus on the South Node. I encourage you to find out where your South Node is in your chart, both the house and the sign. The South Node represents what you are moving away from in this lifetime. It carries the strengths and gifts you bring with you, either from past lives or from childhood experiences, depending on your beliefs.

For example, my South Node is in the 5th house, which governs hobbies, pleasure, flings, children, and self-centered fun. In a past life, I sought admiration and approval from others rather than indulging in what I found pleasurable. This behavior carried over into the first 30 years of my life, making me an approval seeker. I craved validation from others to feel special, often denying my own uniqueness and beauty.

However, these experiences taught me valuable skills. I became charismatic and comfortable taking center stage, which is crucial for my role as a motivational speaker. I attract attention effortlessly, a trait that will aid me in fulfilling my North Node purpose.

My South Node in Scorpio

Now, let’s talk about the sign of Scorpio in my South Node. This placement indicates that I dealt with extreme life experiences in both my past life and early life. I experienced childhood homelessness, hunger, extreme poverty, and witnessed my mother being abused. These hardships made me attracted to drama, whether in raising children, relationships, or interactions with others. I often distrusted people, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Despite these challenges, my Scorpio South Node has gifted me with the ability to heal and trust again. It taught me to be playful and use my experiences to help others heal. My North Node, which we’ll discuss tomorrow, is connected to my Chiron, representing deep pain. Combining this with my Human Design's Left Angle Cross of Education, it’s clear that I am meant to heal groups through education.

Understanding the South Node is a crucial step in moving towards your North Node, which represents your life purpose in this lifetime. Reflect on your South Node’s house and sign, and consider how your past experiences have shaped your strengths.

Feel free to share your South Node placement and your thoughts in the comments. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together!

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Hi, I'm Dr. Naieema

I'm a 5/2 splenic projector, a mom, a speaker and an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert for women online service providers!

After climbing the corporate ladder, I realized that I was not willing to work 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life to prove myself to other unhappy people. Oh and while earning less as a woman of color. So, in December of 2019, I started my coaching business and took in to six figures in one year!

But I was doing the copy and past strategies and treating myself as an employee working 50+ hours a week. I was quickly approaching burnout. So, I learned human design, learned I am a projector and created a six figure business working 12 hours a week!

As a certified human design reader AND intuitive business strategist, I help women service providers, who’ve created jobs for themselves and who are experiencing burnout, use their human design and basic astrology to build wildly profitable businesses.